..those two words consumed us for the past month. the book. haha its pretty much all we worked on. But the challenges and teamwork that went into it grew us as a team so much more. It was such a wonderful process. The Lords hand was in it all. None of us have experience making a book but each of us ended up knowing a little something that contributed perfect to the process of making this all possible. Choosing the title was one of the most difficult decisions but once we finally narrowed it down to about 5 we all prayed and most everybody got the same title... so, after days of putting it off, we finally had a title for our book :)
Exposed. revealing worth. ]
is the title :) The book is 75 pages and starts off by explaining what prostitution is and shares some statistics and facts about prostitution in the Philippines and then goes into personal stories of people we have interviewed and then talks about poverty and education and the cycle of why these girls get involved in this. Finally we have a hope section telling the girl's dreams and providing information about certain organizations that help aid women coming out of the bars and the streets. The book ends with a challenge and a call to prayer. It amazing how it all came together and I am so proud of our team for putting it together in the 3 short weeks we had. I'm super excited to bring the book home and help spread awareness. We have really good connections in the Philippines and God provided us with an amazing publisher who has said that the book is pretty much guaranteed to be in 4 major bookstores in the Philippines! We will be doing some distribution in the Philippines and then taking them home with us and speaking in churches and spreading the book there as well. It's looking like this book could really take off with the right push. so exciting :D! here as some photos of us working on the book..we spent hours in one room staring at a projector making layouts and revising stories and sifting through photos. Never would I have thought that i'd be making a book, and looking around you almost have to laugh at the random group if rif-rafs from all over the world sitting around making a book. It a privileged knowing God is using us to help change such a huge issue.
we are still needing to fund-raise about 6,000 dollars to print the books and we are in the process of putting a donate button on our team blog ..
PHILIPPINES TEAM you can also check the blog for a more detailed description of the book and what all we need as far a prayer. It's been such an amazing time learning to make this, definitely challenging having a room of 11 artist all giving their opinions but in the end what we produced what such a team effort and im thankful for the challenges that we had for they helped us to grow as a team :) We are now at our Next location doing some different ministry and the rough draft of the book is sent away to our PhotogenX graphic designer in Kona to assemble so its nice to have a break from hours of book book book haha you really almost had a different look on the world while making the book because you were always thinking about whether that shot would be a good photo for the book or the girl your talking to in the bar, whether what she's sharing to you would be beneficial for the book. Its nice to have a break from that and not feel like whenever you go out to talk to someone you have an agenda :) But like I said before I am SO excited to bring it home and see it printed :D
Thank you for your prayers, please continue to pray for the book as it is still in the works, and pray for the hearts of those who will be seeing it and that this book can help fight the social injustice of prostitution in the Philippines. thank you!
How much is the book going to be?
ReplyDeleteWow, I only was able to read your blog now, about the book and bar ministry. It sounds so incredible and I hope you never forget how you had those awesome opportunities to actually go ut and experience what you are trying to make people aware of. I was in tears reading about it all. I think you guys have really made an impact already there! Love you and miss you!!! Your sis, Ashley