Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We are now here at our final location for outreach. We are staying at Pastor Samson and Rowena Catolos's house with their beautiful two daughters 16 and 18 :) we are sleeping on his living room floor, I love their home and the surrounding baranguy (small town). We are about 20minutes outside the big city of Tuguegarou. The area here is so peaceful, and very kept-up, each house has sweet little wooden fences and some even have small yards, roads are half paved half dirt and they're "taxis" are these horse drawn carriages, which I was able to drive! The driver sat next to me and the few words I could make out him saying were uh-oh and uhh ok hah I think my driving scared him haha. We have been visiting about one church a day, sharing testimonies and playing songs. We've also done some door to door ministry, sitting and talking with families and praying with them, the first time we did it, it was really weird and frustrating, the lady leading us around took us from house to house we stayed as one big group and we only stayed there for 5 minutes max and prayed and went on to the next one. No relationships were built and I don't even think they understood what we were saying :( the second time we did it, in a different town, we split into two groups and the lady leading my group was super sweet and amazing at translating for us. We only went to about 5 houses in 1 1/2 hours. We spent time getting to know the people, praying for specific needs and sharing verses with them. We even got to share the Gospel at one house. It was so much better and I felt Gods direction in it so much more. Another thing we are doing while staying here is a radio ministry! Sunday afternoons from two till three is our slot. This past Sunday I played two worship songs while 3 of my friends joined me in singing..it was sort of nerve-racking consider 50,000 people tune into this christian station! haha God certainly has a sense of humor..he has been growing me alot in the area of worship and though i've made a fool of myself more than once it really doesn't matter how you sound, and me being worship leader for our team and church services we visit has certainly been a stretch but its been good. Also on the radio we shared a few testimonies and one of us shared a 20 minutes message/word. Next sunday I volunteered to share the word so pray for me as I prepare what to say over the radio! Sometime this week we will be speaking in a school in addition to churches. We went to the mayor today and got his approval to speak in a public school. Friday nights they have this youth night at one of the churches where tons of youth come. We went last week and it was awesome! It felt like we were at a Hillsong united concert haha the worship team was incredible and they had lights and played a lot of Hillsong. It was a nice switch from the typical Filipino service and was fun to jump around and worship. The youth night is actually run by an American man from Washington. We shared some testimonies there and plan on going back every Friday and participating. On Sept 6th we leave for a week with pastor Samson into atribe.
The other night us girls lets Pastor Samson wife have the night off and we cooked dinner :) its was so fun and very delicious :) Also we were blessed to find out that one of the church members a few houses down has WIFI so internet will be a little closer to us tho I still don't how often we will be able to go over and use it. Team is doing great but there is sickness going around. The people we are staying with have coughs and fevers and its started spreading onto us. Please pray for health!!, right now my friend Daniella has a very high fever :/ but otherwise we are doing well. :) Tim, one of the members of our team was adopted from the Philippines and we have been having lots of fun "marrying" him off at different places we visit :) all you have to do is mention he's part Philippine, single and looking for a wife and the ladies go running for their daughters! haha, embarrassing for him but hilarious for us to watch :)

DONATEbutton! is up on the team blog! if your interested in donating to the book we have just made to help end prostitution in the Philippines, please go to this link and help donate! or pass it along to someone who you know might be interested in helping the cause :) thankyou!

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