Saturday, January 15, 2011

Born into Brothels

yesterday I was inspired, my heart was broken for the brothel children of India, and I was blessed by the brave woman and photographer who took on such an incredible project. This movie is INCREDIBLE, and we had the privledge of whatching it in photo class. I beg and plead with you to check it out. Born into Brothels is a documentary about this photographer who spent time living in a brothel in Calcutta, India and working to teach the children photography. The children are so beautiful and smart and the responses to the question the videographer asks them are so profound, they understand so much at their young age about life. And they capture beautiful things through their innocent photography. Please take a look at this documentary and you will forever be changed by these children :) As the movie started my eyes already started to fill with tears and I felt the pain and sadness that I had felt for those in the sex industry in the Philiipines. This movie though takes such a different approach, focusing on the children. So please please please rent it, netflix it,  ..just watch it :)


1 comment:

  1. Ah Ris this movie is amazing. Thanks for encouraging others to see it. I pray that people will apply what you're learning to their lives :) Love, Abbey.
