so we had our very first lice epidemic. It was rather scary. My good friend Sarah discovered one night why she had been so itchy as our staff started to pull little bugs out of her hair. This was the first time I've ever seen lice haha and these were huge! and eggs everywhere!! It was gross.. we think they may have been in there for a few weeks haha.. sad thing is she has DREADS. :( and as beloved as those are, there was no way we could brush all the lice out. Therefor the dreadful decision came to cut each precious dread off :( Me, Sam, and Melissa stayed up till 3:30 am treating, cutting, brushing out, deep conditioning, killing bugs, smashing bugs, being grossed out, laughing, and comforting my dear friend Sarah. It was quite the evening of bugish bonding, and I am thankful that none ventured into my hair. I'm sure this will be one of many similar such events as we continue life on the road ;)
From the lady herself..
Late in the evening of March 30, 2011:
“Hey guys, my head feels kind of itchy...”
Thus started the most ridiculous night ever. Attempting to pick millions of massive lice, along with their eggs, babies, and teenagers out of matted roots. And then facing the truth, saying a prayer, and the cutting started. Six hours, a tub of conditioner, some amazingly dedicated friends, and a whole lot of combing and we were able to save about an inch of hair. Oh the adventures of my life...
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