The beginning of the book talks a lot about laying down your rights. Laying down your rights to your possessions is a big thing in todays worlds I believe that is hard to follow. Laying down that American dream that you always wanted to giving those thing over to the Lord so that his plan for you can successfully be played out. He knows the desires of your heart and wants to bless his children, so you probably will still get your family and house and live happy. But its the act of surrendering those things to him and being obedient if his plan for you even if it is a little different than your plan for yourself at the moment. In the beginning he also talks a little about hearing God's voice and goes on to tell this story of a team leaving for outreach and two of the kids sitting in the airport unable to go because they still need 100$ to buy their tickets. And another guy over on the other side of LA involved with YWAM hears the Lord speak to him to give money to the outreach team..he know their plane is leaving that morning and doesn't have much time. So he catches a bus to the ywam base and miraculously gets all green lights , and finds a guy who then takes him to the airport, and then he has to run to get to the terminal and all this stuff goes on but it made me think, if God spoke to me would I go to all that trouble to get the to the other side of LA to give these kids some money. I feel like I would probably just dismiss it with the excuse that i'm to far away and i'm busy, God can tell someone else who is closer right now to them, to give. So yeah it just made me think a little.
Another quote from the book that i liked was "..how long has is been since anyone threw a brick at you? If everyone likes you are you sure your following Christ?" haha. Look at all the great christian leaders in history, they were mocked and "faced the scorn and slander of their day." Are we being bold enough in sharing the Gospel? Are we being radical in our faith? Its about dying to your reputation. Not purposefully destroying it by robbing a bank or something. But dying to the standard or whatever someone may have put on you and having self confidence in walking out your faith.
In the middle of the book he talks about how the Lord challenged him to stop setting an alarm clock and let the Lord wake him up. He found that he started waking up very early in the morning. God is wanting our fellowship..its not a hardship, its a priviledge :) He also brought up the famous verse.. "when you fast, .." not if, but when. We are told to spend time fasting and praying.
One thing in the end of the book that really stuck me was when he talked about the spirits and coming at an evil spirit with the opposite spirit.
"There are many different spirits and corresponding attitudes in operation
at any given time. A spirit is a personality, but it also influences our attitudes and
conduct. The Holy Spirit is personal and so are Satan and his fallen angels. You
can be under a spirits influence, moving in the same attitude or you can move
further and actually become possessed by that spirit. But even if you are only
fleetingly influence, for an hour or a day, you can ever win spiritually for God until
you are free from that spirit and moving in the opposite way- Christ's way."
We need to come at evil spirits with the opposing spirit. If some one come at you out of anger, the only way to truly solve it is to come at that spirit with a peaceful one. Loren talks about the spirit of Independence. We as Americans have a lot of pride and independence. This spirit of independence can only be won over by the spirit of interdependence, "recognizing our need of one another and committing ourselves to each other in humility and unity." The spirit of immorality must be met with the spirit of purity, and so on. This book was full of encouragment and good points. I think its a great book for people to read and it goes well with his other book that we previously read: "Is That Really You God."
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