Wednesday, May 5, 2010

God Moment! holy cow this blew me awayy!!

Wow, tonight i was so encouraged!! tonight was local outreach night and we split up into group of 3 or 4 people and went into downtown Kona to talk to people and pray for them and ask God to show us people to speak to. My group got to talk to a man and just chat with him..we may have mentioned God once but it was just the action of getting to know him and building that relationship that i think may have spoke to him the most.. he declined out request to pray for him but was very polite and open in talking with us. the cool story though comes from my friend Jonathan and his group..keep reading because this is an incredibly awesome example of God speaking and us being obedient :D :D
So Jonathan and his group were praying together and he was praying saying "God i love you..God speak to me..God your awesome..God i love you" and God just said "shut up and listen." He felt like God said: walmart, girls section, girl named cindy. So they just went..started walking to walmart praying, God just give us confidence..please have this girl be here. On the way another girl in the group, Emily, felt like God was speaking about a floral shirt or dress. Jonathan kinda ignored her though haha because he was so set on getting to walmart and following what God was saying. He felt like God was saying just give me 25 mintues. When they got to walmart they went and booked it straight to the girls section and started asking people..are you cindy? are you cindy? and they all said no and so they waited for a little and right as 24 minutes came the Lord spoke again to Jonathan and said isle 9. so Jonathan ran (leaving the other girls behind haha) off to isle 9 and was looking around and asking people and Emily, running up, was like what about that girl in the flower dress?? So Jonathan your name cindy? and she was like yes!. haha and he just stared at her dumb founded..he couldn't believe how specific God spoke. and just started talking to her and telling her how God led him here and asked if any of this was making sense and if there was something he could pray for and she mentioned how she just found out she has a cyst on her breast. and Jonathan was like wow my mom had breast cancer! so he just prayed over her for healing and that she would see his love. and it kinda stank because her husband was sort of pulling her out the door and so they finished praying and the couple headed out to their car and Jonathan was inside and forgot about a ring on his finger that God told him to give her so he ran back out and right there they were in the first car in the lot and he gave her the ring. we don't know if there is huge significance with the ring but now she has this constant reminder about this night. when he shared this with us we prayed so hard that at her next doctors appointment she would get the news that she has no cyst!! what a revelation that will be for her!! please join us in continued prayer for this! God is so great and we just need to allow him to speak to us and follow his direction. thought this was an awesome story, check out his blog for a better version of the story haha :)

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