Friday, April 16, 2010


this week our topic of focus was/is hearing God's voice..Paul Childers the head of photogenx was our speaker for the topic.. Monday we just shared our testimonies during our lecture was really neat to see how open everybody is with sharing..we shared things we wanted to leave behind and expectation we have for the upcoming weeks. We learned alot this week so bear with me..its kinda a long post :)

: God is a respector of all individuals..he can speak to/through anyone..young, old, minister or student
: Faith pleases God even if your wrong. If you feel The Lord has spoken you will never know wether its him or your own thoughts until you act on it.
: God is a communicative God..look in the word and try to count the number of times is says.. "and God said..." he is always speaking but we look to other things and aren't always listening
: First you must submit to him and position yourself in a place where you can sync with him and "download" what he has to offer
: God isnt interested in a plan..he is interested in a relationship..he isnt as interested in giving you a blueprint as he is in giving you the next step..a friend gave me this analogy.. "its like God giving you a can only see one step have to keep asking for guidance as you move along..if God were to give you a torch you would just pick it up and run and miss out on things around you God may have for would no longer need to ask for his guidance because you have huge torch that can light the i think God desires to give us this candle..this next that we keep coming to him and asking for his guidance and for him to speak into our lives.
: I've been learning just how incredibly imporatant it is to really seek after God and listen and ask for him to speak to makes me re-think everything i thought my future would hold..i need to be asking God what he wants and where he wants me and be open for whatever it is he may say. this is a daily thing...we need to always be in communication with our father..he has so much to tell us :)
: its been really neat to hear the stories of the leaders of PhotogenX and how God spoke to them and how they obeyed his voice.. :) so many crazy stories from the speakers :)

now isnt that a scary word ;) i love intersession..i love being prayed over and i love learning to intercede for others and other things.

: it was described to us as this, prayer is more "one on one" in a sense. Intersession..if you break the word down..means to go between.
   >> you are joining together and going between to forces..wether is sickness and health..or  chaos and order..two forces..praying against something and for the other
: Ezekiel 22:30 i looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land..

: i think alot of times we think of intercession as this crazy prophetic scary time..when people do weird things haha..i also believe that God can speak words through  anyone  for another..
in 1 Corinthians 14 says "eagerly desire spiritual gifts, ESPECIALLY the gift of prophecy..everyone who prophesies speak to men for their strengthening, encouragement, and comfort."
: they gave us some "guidlines" and principals for effective intercession.
   >> take time to ask God what he wants you to pray for.. praise him..make sure your heart is clean before him..acknowledge that you can not really pray without the direction of the holy aggressively with the enemy..come against him withe the all powerful name of jesus and word or God. knock him down :) ..wait before God in silent expectancy listening for his obedience and faith speak what God brings to your mind, believing, keep asking for direction in relation to whom or what you are praying for, expecting him to answer.
: we went through the bible and looked at all the different things God speaks through..animal..bushes..people..visions..dreams..hand on voice. God is a communicative God :)
: we then worked on putting this into practice..praying for each other and asking God for words of encouragement and then sharing that with the person and discussing whether it was right on or not. its cool to see how much God speak when you really start to listen

so anyways those are a few thought/notes i took i class..sorry for the extensive post...this first week of classes is pretty busy..we are also reading a book called "Is that Really Your God" by Loren Cunningham and founder of YWAM..and we are reading through the book of matthew..AND we have a photo assignment due sunday. :) i will soon post my schedule so  you can see what each day is like.. we are also focusing on discussing injustices and how to use photography to change that..and having times of intercession to pray against these issues.. i will do my next post on that and how YOU can help :)

thanks for reading!! continued prayer is always appreciated :)

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