Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Injustice/ Work of Photogenx

yesterday i class we learned of Hankani.. Susi Childers one of the founders of photogenx/my school leader.. told us of when she went to brazil into the amazon jungle..the story is incredible! just the journey and animals along the way..swimming through rivers with boas, alligators, and stink rays, hiking for hours being told to look in front of you so you dont step on snacks and at the same time manage to look above for  the hanging snakes haha she is such an amazing woman and God has taken her on so many adventure because she had been faithful in following his leading. i hope someday God will use me the way he has used her :) she went into the amazon to photograph this un-reached tribe who have never been photographed or shared the Gospel. one funny story she told of her time there was that when we arrived they asked (in their language..there were translators) to see her butt! because they all have the same skin same hair color same hair cut and wear butt flaps and walk in lines when they go hunting so how they tell each other apart is my their butts haha so they wanted to see hers to see if she had been to their tribe before haha she didnt want to but then asked her self what would jesus do..would jesus show his butt? there is that verse in the bible that says something like be a romans to the roman a jew to the jews and so order to position yourself in a place to preach the gospel you must become like them and adapt to their culture. so..she showed them her butt haha and they said "nope shes never been here before!" hhaa. so anyway she spend a short time with this tribe and then went back home...later, a year later maybe or few months she felt God calling her back to that she took some DTS students with her and they went back in.. this time tho the tribe was not as rained..they had to pay thousands of dollars to be flown in because the law wouldnt allow them to go back in through the jungle..all this crazy stuff went wrong and susi was back at the missionary base the last night..frustrated, and wondering why God wanted her to come back..spend all this money and nothing is going right. when suddenly this little girl ran up and started hugging her. Susi, being tired, didnt want to play with her..this missionary came up to her and was like.."this is you know her story?"..and this lady went on to tell her about human infanticide within the same tribe Susi had just been working wiht..they buried children alive if they were twins or deformed or anything..they believed they had evil spirits in then and they buried them alive because they believed the last breath would release the evil spirt and they wanted that to happen underground so it wouldnt go into someone else. PLEASE PLEASE read Hankani's story.. of how she survied this..  ... the awesome thing is, she lives on the Kona base :) she is just a crazy little girl hah so happy and smiling all the time which s a miracle because she sat alone in the same spot for two years..barely eating..couldnt move..being beaten and laughed at. to see her like this  now is such a joy :) we hula danced together last night! :) she is now 13 or 14 i believe but she looks alot younger because her leaning and development was stunted. Since that visit Susi and Photogenx have pushed to get the brazillian law to do something about human infanticide in their country and have succeeded. photogenx also complied all the photos and stories and Hakani's stories into a  book that  has been put in tons of countries and shared all over the world so raise awarness for this issue..its crazy how much God brings out of obidiance to his voice. here is a video that was made about the issue as well

ALSO: photogenx sex+money branch that works with child trafficking is trying to win a grant to pay for a new for them once a day everyday! so they get it!!  its easy! thanks :)

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