Wednesday, April 6, 2011

[goodbye brazil]

I've been doing a lot of pondering lately..that seems to happen when I travel on public transit. Bus's, subways, the world flying by outside my window partnered with a  soundtrack of music flowing through my ipod. The Civil Wars seems to be my go to artist lately. [you should check them out :) ] I love getting lost in my own thoughts, processing, observing, letting God speak, and being inspired.

As this quarter of track is coming to end I've been looking back and reflecting on a lot of things. Its been three whole months since we stepped foot into Brazil. The uneasy feelings and feelings of being not quite sure how I fit on this team, how we will all get along together are feelings of the past. We've grown, becoming more united. This time in Brazil has really been a season for our team to work things out. Looking back I can think of many things I wanted to do in Brazil, more ministry we could have done, we could have spoken about Photogenx more or made more connections with people, or photographed this or that, or learned the language more. You don't realize how fast time is flying until your left with only 10 days in a country you'll probably never get to go back. You ask yourself.. what have I done.. who have I has the Lord used me. The other day our team had debrief and it helped to really reflect and see what our best and worst moments were, or what impacted us about our time here. As I look back I realize the importance of really diving into a culture and place from the moment you get there. Being intentional with everything. I am blessed to go to numerous places over this next year and my goal is to really dive in and learn as much as I can from each unique nation. I don't want to leave wishing I would have done this or that...although naturally that will most likely happen ;) I want to be intentional with each and every day. Led by the holy spirit, passionate, intentional with my photography, and compassionate with every person I meet. Really being observant to what is going on around you, how people are feeling. Learning to be like Jesus in every moment and every circumstance.

We were having a party for the staff here on the base as well as the DTS thats running and we prayed for them and had written them each notes and then a few of us and some of the dts started having a dance party in the yard :) Afterwards we were all sitting and talking and Miguel, one of the Dts guys, came over looking frustrated and worried.. he doesn't speak any english so I asked Danilo, another Dts student, who knows some English if everything was ok. Miguel told him how he had just been talking to his friend on the phone who is really struggling with depression and he lost service right as he was about to pray for her. I felt so bad and my heart went out to him, he's such a joyful guy and to see him upset was so sad, the hardest part was I dont speak the language to even say anything to him. I told Danilo then how I wish I could know each of their hearts, and what they are going through. Everyone has a personal story, everyone is working through stuff, and we can dance and hangout and play cards and laugh and attempt to talk but because we don't know the language we can REALLY get to know each of them. That was on my heart strongly throughout the rest of the night and I later noticed Danilo having what looked like a rough conversation on the phone. I asked him is everything was ok and he told me about how his mom has re-accuring headaches and they just admitted her to the hospital again. I prayed so hard for Miguel and Danilo that night.. it hurt my heart knowing these dear friends were going through things.. had been going through stuff and we didn't even know. The next day was even worse... I was helping to wash dished in the kitchen then I notice the Dts and base staff huddling together could tell something was different, something wasn't quite right, the worried looks on their faces, the pacing.. I went and found Sam and asked what had happened. He explained that Denilo had gotten a call this morning from his dad saying to come home.. he mom dad unexpectedly died in the hospital that morning. Hy heart broke. Tears began welling up. We had just talked the other night..I just heard about what he was going through and now he's getting the news that she is dead. I was so frustrated, so angry and so sad. All the dts guys were pacing the base, head in their hands, grieving for their friend. I don't even know his mom..I barely know him.. but we had become friends with all these guys and it hurt me to see them in pain and not be able to say much because of the language barrier. I gave hugs because thats all I could do. A week has now passed and Danilo is back on base finishing his Dts. He has peace he says..knowing that God has his plan. His smile and joy is still with him. Having this happen really made me again think about the importance of compassion, caring, really getting to know people as best you can, hear their hearts, and care to know about what they are going though.

I've grown to love Brazil so much, I think if I had stayed in Sao Paulo my thoughts would be slightly different haha, but having been able to see Rio area and Curitiba both of which are such beautiful areas, I truly do love this culture. It's become so familiar to me, so normal, so home. I know enough of the language to get by and have a small conversation, and I can understand some of what people are saying. I woke up with a smile on my face the other day as Portuguese flowed throughout the house, smiling to myself at how normal that is and enjoying trying to understand the small bits I can. Its a beautiful language and I will miss hearing it everyday. Other things I've learned from this lovely culture.

- They greet each other with a kiss
- Everyone is incredibly hospitable, friendly, and welcoming. People will just talk to you on the street or help you with your luggage. I was shown kindness by so many people here
- In Sao Paulo, PDA in public is a-ok and you cant get to far with out seeing lots of it haha
- These are beautiful people with a strong pride in their nation and a beautiful love for soccer :)
- Brazil is very diverse with many different looking people
- Their churches are always super welcoming and you can see in the way they worship their passion for the        Lord
- They are generous and giving

Goodbyes are never fun and over the course of this journey we are going to be saying many of those :/ although it stinks, I am so blessed for all the wonderful people I have had the opportunity to meet. To all those I have met in Brazil, you are loved and you will be missed :)

Continue to pray for Brazil..
- For those effected by the flood in Vieira
- For Danilo in the death of this mom
- For all the lost throughout the massive city of Sao Paulo

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